Monday, February 13, 2006

Passion live here...

The winter olympics 2006.
For the past three days I watched the winter olympics on television. I always follow the olympics. And I think everybody should.

When I watch the olympics I get this special feeling inside. I discussed this earlier today with Twism. (We met in The Hague and went shopping, I got me a new rucksack, jeans and some gloves for Paris.)
The olympics are truly amasing. Not just the achievements but the motivation some of the athlete's have really touches me. They train month's and month's for just this one moment. Go through many hardships and fight for a gold medal. Some inteviews inspire me really to train harder, to not just sit and do nothing.
They don't want to be second, they don't think like "ah, well at least I tried". No they fight to be number one. Give almost everything for this one championship.
Yes, passion truly lives in those who want to be the best.

Today I watched the free figure skating for pairs. (lange kuur ;)) And it was beautiful as always. and I was rooting for the pair Zhang/Zhang. They were the last to go.
And the girl falls during an unbelievable trick. and lands really ugly, some kinda split and really is broken. Their world just collaps. And tears start to shed (well a little). They go to their trainer and he tells them it's alright. But the girl looks likes she wants to finish it. Let me stress this even more, ANYONE who falls like she did wouldn't be skating for a while. But you really can see it in her eyes. She wants to finish it.
And they actually do. In an amasing run, she really took my breath away. A true fighter.
Lands everything perfectly, though you can see the pain she's suffering.
The run ends, and they fall in each other arms. You can see the girl's given everything she's got. Just the beauty of that.
Besides, the teamwork is also unbelieveble. The guy must've worried himself sick with every jump. but they didn't got sloppy.
I think everybody should fight like she/they did. Then this world would be a much better place.

So people, go watch Torino 2006.