Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I can sleep when I'm dead

Or, I wish I could say something cool like that. But I'm gettin ALOT of sleep.

More things I wanted to share:

I've got my driver's license. And I'm happy most of you have already come along for a ride. No special anecdotes here.

The mother of one of my best friends has had an heart attack 2 months ago. This was very sudden. It could happen to anyone. It's sad cause she got paralyzed for almost half of her body, and her brain suffered some big damage too. Communicating is still very difficult, as she can't seem to find the right words. I don't want to say to much, I just wanted to share this.
These things can happen to anyone, anytime so make sure, when you are feelin a bit down, you enjoy all the good things you have. Make the best of each day.

Well there were some other things I wanted to say, but can't come up with. So until It comes back to me, I'll just update you on more recent stuff.
We've had the Jeremo's eeh end of the year showcase. To show all that we've been learning this year. And as teacher and student I had quite a few things to do. For months we've been workin on shows with the different groups. I had to coach 3 groups, all breakdance. The B-girl show which turned out to be rather spiffy, an beginners group, which wasn't all that impressive, and a huge group of 20 little bastards (age 6-10) who were really difficult to handle. In the end it all turned out great. and they performed really well. As for me as performer, I was part of the capoeira showcase (along with the little brother of Celine) and the Punk Styles show! Capoeira went surprisingly well, and Punk Styles also went flawless. I hope to share some footage with y'all soon.

That's it for today.

I'll leave you with this link. Its an nice hiphop video compilation. For those who love it.